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2018 training sessions (French only)

Find out about our training sessions here:


DBA Oracle I

November 12 to 16 – Sophia Antipolis

Fundamental principles of Oracle databases’ administration.

Prerequisites: basic knowledge in SQL and PL/SQL, and in operating systems (filling system, memory, process).

Training content:

  • Setting up and managing an Oracle database;
  • Database architecture and components, understanding the interaction between the different elements;
  • Performance monitoring, security, users management and backup and recovery tools.


The additional training DBA Oracle II is set for the end of January 2019.



Oracle Tuning & 18C News

November 20 to 23 – Aix-en-Provence

Prerequisites: good knowledge and experience on Oracle databases.

Training content:

  • Pluggable Databases (concept, migration to CDB-database);
  • Database Tuning (how to analyse the database’s performances and manipulate the parameters);
  • Oracle Database 18c (overview);
  • Migration from 12c to 18c (use case).



PostgreSQL Architecture & Operation

December 12 to 14

Prerequisites: basic knowledge of Linux (basic operations, file edition, etc.) ; previous experience of RDBMS support.

Training content:

  • Activity log management;
  • Security management;
  • Administrating a PostgreSQL database (Import and export logistics, Cold backups, Hot backups);
  • Backup and recovery;
  • Logical organization (Databases, Schemas and search_path);
  • Transactions with PostgreSQL (ACID standard, insulation levels).



We organize several training sessions throughout the year in our Sophia Antipolis and Aix-en-Provence offices. We are experts on a broad range of database technologies (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra…) and can provide on-demand trainings.


If you want to learn more about our training sessions, contact us.