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Too much session on RMAN Catalog instance? Waits « enq: TX – row lock contention »? Still on release ? Do you know « Market-Driven Support »?

The problem is referenced from release to but we encoutered it on


  • Bug 14309075 – RMAN resync slow due to « UPDATE ROUT » SQL (Doc ID 14309075.8)
  • RMAN Catalog Response Is Slow Processing ROUT table (Doc ID 1600112.1)

When it occurs, it result several active session on your rman catalog trying to purge ROUT table.

Oracle recommand to truncate regularly this table. If OEM (Grid Control) is not used by run rman jobs or logs, it’s possible to reduce retention from seven days to one day.

It is recommanded to upgrade the catalog database to a recent support release, 19c for example. Oracle Database 19c is the long term support release.

If it’s not possible, you can do a job with the following as a workaround :

SQL> truncate table ROUT;
SQL> execute dbms_utility.analyze_schema('RMAN','COMPUTE')

When the truncate is done purge job will take less than a minute (against 14 minutes).

According to our case, patch support for has now ended (as of 27th August 2015). Currently only is supported in terms of receiving patch fixes and only if and Extended Support fees have been paid. But it’s over since 01/01/2020.

So the only way, you can purchase « Market-Driven Support » (ACS) for Oracle Database 11gR2 (from 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2022). Except for Java / JDK, this service can help to assure your activity, improve security, …

Contact us if you need more information about « Market-Driven Support » or to upgrade your database!


  • Release Schedule of Current Database Releases (Doc ID 742060.1)
  • Oracle Database 11gR2 (11.2) Lifetime Support Changes (Doc ID 2068368.1)